Identifying a Possible Gas Leak
Here are some simple ways to learn the signs of a potential gas leak, and what to do if you suspect one. First off, if you think you smell rotten eggs, leave the area and call us for help, even if you don’t have natural gas in your business or home.
Natural gas is actually odorless in its original state, but for safety reasons, we inject mercaptan to give a distinct smell of rotten eggs or sulfur to the gas. You can use your senses to help identify a possible leak. Possible signs of a leak include: smelling a distinct sulfur-like odor, similar to rotten eggs, even if it’s faint or momentary; hearing a hissing or roaring coming from the ground, above ground piping, or a natural gas appliance; or seeing dirt or water blowing into the air, unexplained dead or dying plants or grass, or standing water continuously bubbling.
If You Suspect a Natural Gas Leak
- Exit the area immediately.
- After leaving the area, call 911 and then call us at 800.660.8683 (any time day or night). A Southeast Gas representative will respond as soon as possible.
- Don’t light matches, a lighter or smoke in the area. Do not burn a candle to attempt to remove the smell.
- Don’t turn off or on any electrical switches that could cause a spark, including light switches, thermostats or appliance controls.
- Don’t start or stop an engine or use automated garage doors.
Call 811 Before You Dig
The safety of our employees, customers and residents in the communities we serve is a priority at Southeast Gas. We are committed to working safely and informing the public about how to safely utilize natural gas in their homes, businesses and throughout their communities.
Southeast Gas employees receive safety bulletins and specific safety training on a consistent basis to assist them not only in working safely around natural gas, but also to become more aware of general tips and guidelines for avoiding accident or injury at work or at home.
Contractors, city personnel, emergency responders and political officials receive annual updates on how to operate safely around natural gas pipelines. Southeast Gas educates these groups in cooperation with Alabama One Call to emphasize the importance of notifying all utilities prior to any construction site work, as well as the protocol for reporting an incident area in the event one of Southeast Gas’ lines are hit.
Southeast Gas is committed not only to your safety, but also to the safety of those living in all of the communities we serve and the safety of our employees.
Natural gas pipelines are everywhere. There is some form of pipeline in every county in Alabama, and hundreds of miles of underground lines in the Southeast Gas service area. Pipelines are the safest means of transporting natural gas, but only if we all do our part to prevent their damage. To prevent damage to underground pipelines, and to keep us all safe, please call 811 before you dig.